NYSA Communications: Shaping the Education Domain with ICT

Pioneering in “Technology in Education” are:
• EON – Online Examination
• OSM – Digital Marking
• DIGIUNIV – University Management System
DIGI UNIV provides end-to-end Paperless University Management System for Admission Management System, Examination Management System, Financial Management System, Human Resources System, Affiliation Management System and Campus Management System. Following the BOT (Built – Operate – Transfer) method, NYSA develops a software, runs it in real-time to identify the challenges and accordingly rectifies the ‘issues’ to give to its clients the best-in-class management software. “NYSA has Six Sigma, in-house project development and implementation process team to ensure process optimization and process monitoring through quality assurance, high maturity systems, and standards to provide a customized end-to-end solution for operations and management to our clients”, adds Puneet Kumar, Managing Director of NYSA Communications.
The competent team of NYSA has helped several learning institutes to remain competitive and relevant
Aligning with the campaign, “Digital India,” NYSA offers Digital Marking System (DMS) to convert manual question paper marking to ‘Onscreen Marking.’ The im¬plementation of Digital Marking System (DMS) has re¬placed pen and paper based summative examinations on computer screens, thus saving trees and contribut¬ing to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This ini¬tiative has also automated the marking and scoring of summative answer scripts. DMS reduces corruption as the identity of the student is hidden in the process and makes the process of re-evaluation of the paper easier and accurate.
NYSA also owns a product line for Online Examination, EON (Exam Online). Confiden-tiality, Accuracy, Timeliness, And Security are the four key measures adopted by NYSA for securing the online examination. Besides, the team at NYSA also delivers third party school evaluation services - GUNOTSAV. GUNOTSAV is a mass assessment process implemented by NYSA to conduct a third party school evaluation service to identify the gaps and to enhance the teaching learning processes. The objective of this project is to assess the quality and standards of school in India by conducting third party assessment and infrastructure mapping. This helps in rating the school standards and education delivery.
The competent team of NYSA has helped several learning institutes to remain competitive and relevant. Some of the prominent institutes that leveraged the services of NYSA include Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication and Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University. Presently, catering to about 40,000 students in 300 colleges, NYSA is first in India to introduce complete University Automation System. NYSA provides core benefit to all the stakeholders including-students, colleges/institutes, administrative department and any other by creating a centralized solution. NYSA has also managed to reduce the RTI and court cases making it more efficient and effective in means of workforce and time involvement.
Keeping itself updated with the latest technologies and solutions, NYSA recently launched On Screen marking and Online Evaluation system. In future, NYSA also aims to expand its offerings across Asia, Africa, Middle East, and European countries. “NYSA is a very dynamic organization, and we have a dedicated and specialized R&D team to research on upcoming technology and methods to implement the ‘best’ in the education industry,” concludes Kumar.

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